Friday, April 6, 2012

Juice Cleanse

Have you seen the movie "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead"? Well...I have, and um, made me rethink the way I eat...I usually don't give a damn what I eat, but after really thinking about how long I want to live and all the wonderful things I would like to do with my life, I felt as though a little change couldn't hurt. So...therefore I juice Monday thruThursday and I eat cautiously Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! :) Juicing means using all natural fruits and vegetables and putting them into a juicer, extracting the juice from them, and drinking just that! HELL YES...I am extremely hungry during this process...LOL! But it gets easier. Day 3 is usually smooth sailing. I drink "6" 16 ounce juices a day. Its actually a very refreshing feeling. I started this cleanse at 148 pounds and five days later I am 138.2. It seems unhealthy...I know! But its not. You are getting more than enough calories and nutrients in just the juice itself. Think of your great great great ancestors, that only food foraged for greens and berries...They survived, well technically they survived...I guess. Either way, its healthy. I wake up every morning at 6am...ish...LOL! I rest very well at night. This has actually been a great week. I think clearer, get more done in a day, and I am naturally energized. The taste of the juices are actually pretty good. It's a refreshing feeling...if I may reiterate that! So give it a try, and if that doesn't work, I've attached a video you can use to help you definitely NOT lose weight..LOL! :)