Friday, November 13, 2009

Random Rants

OK, I just had the urge to write and filter my thoughts, I've depressed myself with trying not to call or text HIM.

Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm the only person in the world who doesn't have a representative in the initial encounter of new beginnings.

What you see is what you get!

I am VERY thoughtful, sometimes too thoughtful if you ask me.


Don't try to be thoughtful, because I'm thoughtful, cause when you stop being thoughtful (because its unnatural for you), I have to adjust to NOT receiving this attention.

See maybe I love all of you because I just do.

Maybe its not any particular thing that you did, maybe just your scent is enough to make me love you a lifetime.

Maybe I've realized the imperfections of people, yet I am willing to love you in spite of.

Why do I have to limit the intensity of my love to try and fit your timed expectations.

I am who I am!

See I disagree that Love has to be paced!

YES people change!

But every "REAL" relationship that I've ever been in, that Lasted might I add.... I knew I loved that person within the first week. I KNEW IT!


I am who I am!

Maybe I'm so in tuned with my emotions, that I can filter through whats good for me, and WHO'S NOT!

I am who I am!

Love me for this caring, affectionate, giving, communicative, high energetic, comedic, sexy, over the top being that GOD has made me to be.

Cause I can only be ME....ALL THE TIME!

Just Random thoughts!

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