Thursday, December 17, 2009

In tears I write

Sometimes it just hurts so bad.. it burn so deep...

I can't eat.. I can't sleep...
To think I feel so cheap.. So misused.. so mistreated..
My mind is my biggest enemy for it torments my possibilities of happiness
I'm so emotionally exhausted, I just want to be held...WHY WONT ANYBODY HOLD ME

sometimes you're just tired.. sometimes you've had enough..
sometimes you just give up...sometimes it's just too tough.

God please make me better. please heal this pain
please comfort my thought.. keep me from going insane

i can barely see through my blurred vision for my eyes are so swollen, from my heart.. bit and pieces he has stolen

I never should have let him love me... I never should have even cared

i am emotionally dying for I've let myself go..what next is what i ask of you.. i cant see through the tunnel.

I'd like to believe this is God's way of preparing me for something more..
but at this very moment.. all i can see is the other side of this closed door.

its right here.. its so close.. its hurts to even stare. but i cant turn around and go backwards for there's even pain back there..

i just want to go to sleep and pretend he doesn't exist.. i just want to take an extended nap and when i wake pray it wont be of this.

i cant believe I'm here again, in this same place.. same room.. crying angrily, i've been raped willingly!

the ending of this pain is the ending of my life.


  1. You should consider posting blogs more often. And start telling people about your blog too!

  2. Thank you Glenn, Just read your comment :)
